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What We Do
Who We Work With

We have worked with all of these great companies and individuals and many more.
Find out why we are so highly regarded.
Communications partners of

What We Believe
We understand the pressure our clients feel in high-pressure business situations. Too often people and business fail to reach their potential because their communication skills let them down when they need them most.
Our practical tools and specialist methods help everyone to rise, no matter their experience in public speaking. We help accomplished presenters fine tune their message to maximise their chance of success. For nervous presenters we can build an individual’s confidence so that they can take a positive approach to a task they were perhaps daunted by in the past.
From a bottom-line perspective, you can expect to win more pitches and develop stronger long-term client relationships. In terms of your people and their wellbeing, the ability to communicate with confidence makes happier, calmer and more productive team members.

What We Believe
We understand the pressure our clients feel in high-pressure business situations. Too often people and business fail to reach their potential because their communication skills let them down when they need them most.
Our practical tools and specialist methods help everyone to rise, no matter their experience in public speaking. We help accomplished presenters fine tune their message to maximise their chance of success. For nervous presenters we can build an individual’s confidence so that they can take a positive approach to a task they were perhaps daunted by in the past.
From a bottom-line perspective, you can expect to win more pitches and develop stronger long-term client relationships. In terms of your people and their wellbeing, the ability to communicate with confidence makes happier, calmer and more productive team members.
Who We Are

Where We Came From
Martyn Barmby founded MSB Executive in 2008. The company is a unique fusion of Martyn’s distinct professional backgrounds. Martyn is a trained actor with professional experience on stage and screen. He also has twelve years experience as s senior executive in consultancy and project management in IT and financial services.
Though the company has grown considerably since, MSB Executive remains trues to its origins. We continue to fuse these two worlds, by rooting our work in performance skills but also remaining embedded in the world of our clients’ businesses.
Dive In
Presenting to Camera

Stay Connected As a Team With Online Video Tools
During these uncertain times where the majority of us are now working from home, it's so important to keep that sense of connection with our teams...
Online Meetings

Natural, Virtual or Blurred Backgrounds?
‘We can’t decide what to do about our backgrounds.' This question arose recently during an online communication workshop I was running for the...

Scientific Proof that Good Posture Lowers Stress?
At MSB Executive, posture work is a regular feature of our sessions. We help our clients to express confidence and authority by adjusting how they...
Body Language

How to Feel Comfortable Communicating Assertively
Assertive communication – some people want it, some people fear it, other people overdo it! Life is too short to not speak up and be heard or to be...