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What We Cover

Presentation Skills

Using voice and body language to maximise your impact


Bringing data to life to engage and persuade

Client Skills

Winning your client’s trust and communicating on their level

Investor Relations

Delivering a clear message and answering questions with confidence

Panels: Moderators

Marshalling the conversation and ensuring all voices are heard


Panels: Speakers

Making a strong impact and adding value to the conversation


Building strong connections and succeeding at networking events

Professional English

Communicating clearly and strongly when English is not your first language

Emotional Intelligence

Exploring and honing the skills that make you most effective at work


Finding Your Voice

Developing the skill of articulating your message in any situation

Confidence Coaching

Reducing nerves and developing self-belief when the pressure is on


Business Writing

Making great impressions with brilliant writing

Communications partners of the

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Recent Blogs

The Eyes Have It

The Eyes Have It

How to Get a Job? An article in The Metro caught my eye this week. Under the headline ‘This Zoom trick could help you nail a job interview,’ the writer recommends looking at the webcam during an online interview. When an interviewee looked down (at the interviewer’s...

The Power of a Sip of Water

The Power of a Sip of Water

‘Make sure you have a glass of water to hand.’ That is a piece of advice we always give our clients at MSB Executive when helping them to prepare for important presentations. Pausing to take a sip of water fixes a dry mouth, calms jitters, and buys you a moment to...

How Stories Inspire Action

How Stories Inspire Action

The Setting South Warnborough is an idyllic village in Hampshire with a busy little shop at its heart. in 2001, kind, bubbly Jo Hamilton took over the shop. It included a Post Office counter, a vital service that many villagers depended on. Little did Jo know that the...

MSB Executive’s Filming Day: What We Learnt

MSB Executive’s Filming Day: What We Learnt

MSB Executive’s filming day was long in the planning. We had decided late last year to video the team talking about our work. We felt this would be an excellent way to showcase our special combination of expertise and passion. With the possibility of shooting...

How to Feel Comfortable Communicating Assertively

How to Feel Comfortable Communicating Assertively

Assertive communication – some people want it, some people fear it, other people overdo it! Life is too short to not speak up and be heard or to be so focussed on exerting control that you damage relationships along the way. It’s important to speak up, but how can we...

Dive In

Presenting to Camera

Online Meetings


Body Language