by Steven Maddocks | 5 December, 2024 | Authority, Communication, Fake Facts, Leadership, Q&As, Voice
Pause before answering a question. Confident speakers pause. They pause before they begin and when switching to a new topic. They pause to allow their words to sink in and when deciding what to say next. When asked a question, they pause before answering. A pause...
by Steven Maddocks | 24 April, 2024 | Communication, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Voice
‘Make sure you have a glass of water to hand.’ That is a piece of advice we always give our clients at MSB Executive when helping them to prepare for important presentations. Pausing to take a sip of water fixes a dry mouth, calms jitters, and buys you a moment to...
by Nicola Hainey | 26 October, 2021 | Communication, Leadership, Team Building
We all know that sinking feeling when we’ve started the day off positively, only to open our diaries and see a flurry of colour blocks demanding every second of our day to be spent in front of our computers on calls. We see this frustration often at MSB during our...
by Martyn Barmby | 19 March, 2021 | Emotional Engagement, Leadership, Perception, Performance
We’ve recently been coaching a group of Directors from one of the ‘Big 4’ accountancy/consultancy firms to help them with this very thing. Emotional Intelligence (or EI/EQ as it’s often referred to) is an essential component for successful leadership. What do...
by Martyn Barmby | 15 December, 2020 | Leadership, Online Meetings, Perception, Presentation Skills
Particularly in the corporate world, Powerpoint slides crammed with tiny writing, diagrams and complexity are entirely the norm. Many people complain about Powerpoint overload but still we are presented with huge decks of barely legible slides. Following on from our...
by Martyn Barmby | 5 October, 2020 | Authority, Building Confidence, Difficult Conversations, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking
Some communications lessons from the first US Presidential Debate We are always keen observers of communications in politics and US politics in particular. Although the first US Presidential debate seems a long time ago given events since then, we wanted to capture...