by Steven Maddocks | 5 December, 2024 | Authority, Difficult Conversations, Marketing, Presentation Skills, Q&As
Be a Q&A jiu-jitsu master. What happens when a Q&A session turns nasty? Sometimes the questions at the end can be the most enjoyable and rewarding part of a presentation. At other times it can feel more like a firing squad! There are some people who enjoy...
by Steven Maddocks | 24 April, 2024 | Communication, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Voice
‘Make sure you have a glass of water to hand.’ That is a piece of advice we always give our clients at MSB Executive when helping them to prepare for important presentations. Pausing to take a sip of water fixes a dry mouth, calms jitters, and buys you a moment to...
by Steven Maddocks | 17 August, 2023 | Interview Skills, Marketing, Presentation Skills, Presenting to Camera, Public Speaking
MSB Executive’s filming day was long in the planning. We had decided late last year to video the team talking about our work. We felt this would be an excellent way to showcase our special combination of expertise and passion. With the possibility of shooting...
by Steven Maddocks | 10 February, 2023 | Communication, Presentation Skills, Written Communications
Smart BrevityJim VandeHei, Mike Allen and Roy SchwartzLondon: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2023. Overview The premise of Smart Brevity is that business writing has failed to move with the times. In the smartphone age, anyone can easily and freely send their every...
by Steven Maddocks | 24 May, 2022 | Building Confidence, Communication, Presentation Skills, Voice
Teaching people how to breathe might strike you as teaching grandmother to suck eggs. But there are different ways of breathing, and some are better than others. By looking first at the habits and consequences of bad breathing, we can make sure we are doing the...
by Nicola Hainey | 13 January, 2022 | Body Language, Client Skills, Presentation Skills, Voice
Our Head of Coaching, Nicola Hainey, reviews Microsoft Powerpoint’s new feature: Presenter Coach. An AI tool to help rehearse presentations? In honesty, we were slightly sceptical. However, having reviewed Microsoft’s new Presenter Coach in Powerpoint, we do think...