Top Tips for Great Communication: Pause Before Answering a Question

by | 5 December 2024 | Authority, Communication, Fake Facts, Leadership, Q&As, Voice

Pause before answering a question.

Confident speakers pause. They pause before they begin and when switching to a new topic. They pause to allow their words to sink in and when deciding what to say next. When asked a question, they pause before answering.

A pause before answering builds suspense for the audience. It boosts the questioner by showing that you find the question entertaining or challenging. Increase the rapport with a nod, a smile, or words of appreciation.

The pause benefits you, too. You have a moment to consider your answer and take a sip of water, breathe, do a physical reset.

How long should you pause for? In the video below, Steve Jobs takes a full eleven seconds and then another seven seconds (watch until 1:45):

Jobs is Jobs, and he gets away with this long pause. Our longing to see how he’s going to respond to the aggressive question keeps us on the edge of our seats.

You might not manage the full eleven seconds, but we say, be relaxed in your silence. For you, a second can feel like a lifetime, but for your audience, it’s over in a flash. Take three, four, five seconds. Smile, look around the room. Audiences love a confident pause, and you’ll feel powerful!

Jobs also demonstrates one of our favourite responses to an aggressive question: the Jiu-jitsu Technique. We’ll explain that next week!


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