by Martyn Barmby | 13 July, 2016 | Blog, Leadership, Nerves, Public Speaking
One of our most popular workshops at MSB Executive is “Communicating Brilliantly Under Pressure”. We often like to look at famous public speakers and see what we can learn from the times when they have had to speak under great pressure. David Cameron’s last Prime...
by Martyn Barmby | 19 May, 2015 | Building Confidence, Difficult Conversations, Interview Skills, Nerves, Perception
We talk to every client about the effect the nervous adrenaline produced by our amygdala can have on our bodies. Our brain senses fear and our system rapidly produces a defence – flight/fight or freeze, in short a way to get ourselves out of imminent danger....
by Martyn Barmby | 24 June, 2013 | Blog, Nerves, Voice
Last Saturday I went to an open morning hosted by my excellent career coach Simon Scantlebury. The keynote public speaker was Frank Dick OBE and as a sports fan and communications coach I was definitely interested to hear his message. I wasn’t disappointed. Simon...
by Martyn Barmby | 2 October, 2012 | Interview Skills, Nerves
When working with nervous interviewees we often get questioned on our advice to arrive early to an interview. “If I arrive early”, one client insisted, “my nerves always get the better of me”. And watching the “Miracle at Medinah” unfold last night at the Ryder Cup...